I am Patrick Vieira Gomes

Name: Patrick Vieira Gomes

Profile: Front end web developer

Email: contact@example.com

Phone: (221)77-508-88-30


HTML 90%
CSS 70%
Js 55%
PHP 40%
MySQL 30%
About me

Hello, I'm Patrick Vieira Gomes, a web developer with a passion for creating innovative and functional websites. As a web developer, I enjoy working closely with my clients to understand their needs and business goals. I am able to create custom websites that meet their unique needs while providing an optimal user experience.

I am experienced in developing websites from scratch, using technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. In addition to my technical skills, I also have a strong understanding of user experience and websites.

In summary, as a web developer, I am passionate about creating exceptional websites that meet the needs of my clients and provide an optimal user experience.


“I used different types of programs/software to create projects”


HTML stands for “HyperText Markup Language”. It is a markup language used to compose web pages. HTML is made up of a series of elements, which are used to surround or wrap various parts of content to make them appear or act in a certain way.


Web development is the process of creating websites and applications for the Internet. It involves designing, planning and building websites. Web development is based on the use of languages (HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP.)


Javascript is a scripting programming language primarily used to add interactivity to web pages. It was created by Netscape in 1995 and is now supported by all major web browsers et javascript is often used for tasks such as form validation etc.


Java is an object-oriented programming language that was developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It is often used to develop desktop applications, web applications, video games, mobile applications, enterprise software, and many more. other apps.


Github, on the other hand, is a web-based software development platform that uses Git as its version control system. It allows developers to store, manage and share their source code projects online.Github also offers collaboration features such as pull requests, issues, comments.


Git is an open-source software version control system created by Linus Torvalds in 2005. It is often used to track changes to a software project's source code over time. Git allows developers to collaborate on the same project, manage different versions of code.






Create quality content: To attract and retain your readers, it is important to regularly publish quality, informative and relevant articles.

My website
Welcome to my personal website, a space where I share my passions, thoughts and experiences with you. Discover my background, my achievements and my past and present projects. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, suggestions or if you wish to collaborate on a creative project. And thank you for taking the time to visit my personal site. Hope you enjoy your experience and come back soon!"

My Portfolio

My portfolio is a collection of my best work and projects, which demonstrates my skills and experience in my field. and Through my portfolio, I present my most significant projects, illustrating my ability to solve problems. By exploring my portfolio, you will discover my professional evolution and my achievements, as well as my constant desire to surpass myself and develop myself.


GitHub is a version control platform that allows me to store and share my web and application development projects and I also create a new repository (repository) on GitHub for each project that I want to follow and manage and I also create branches (branches) to work on specific features of my project without affecting the main branch ('master' branch).